Friday 25 January 2013

What is Colonialism?

This blog assignment will be a short inquiry into the nature of colonialism as it pertains to two quite different locations. 

Pikillactu in Peru Two images of Pikillacta, accessed January 18 2013

and Thamugadi (Timgad) in Algeria  Trajan's Arch, Thamugadi, Algeria, accessed January 18 2013 (images were also found here: accessed January 18 2013)

I have absolutely no knowledge of either location, so please forgive me if I find misguided information on either area. 

To begin I will speak of the Roman city of Thamugadi. 

Map of the Roman World, accessed January 28 2013

Conquered in 100ce, Thamughadi was created as a military encampment. The Roman emperor Trajan stretched the Roman rule far throughout Europe and into North Africa. Thamughadi is located in the province of Numidia of Algeria. The Romans would take the very best of their grand architectural achievements of the city of Rome and recreate this in a grid-like formation in centralized locations of their empire. Thamughadi has many of the same structures as we find in the Roman Forum. The temples, regia, and victory arches that were erected to signify power and control. This area is considered an area of colonialization. Algeria, has a history of constant invasions by many civilizations throughout history. The building projects, such as Trajan’s Arch reminds us of a lost history before settlers claimed the area as their own. This has been copied over and over in all continents.

A grid like formation of settlements is also witnessed in the area of Pikallacta in Peru. Archaeologists and scholars have questioned how the space has functioned over the past few hundred years. What Pikallacta signifies to the west is a need for a constant educational process through discovery. Based in Lucre Basi at the eastern end of the valley of Cuzco, the area has thought to be an administrative complex engineered by Wari warriors. However, over the years people have thought it to be a storage container for the Inca, due to indicators of spiritual sacred spaces within the area. As opposed with Thamughadi, Pikallacta seems to no longer identify with a group of people because there are very small indicators of one time inhabitants. Thamughadi, we know was settled and through the architectural Roman program we can base the structures on Roman norms of the time. However, due to its very organized manner of formation scholars such as Edmund Thomas confirm that it could only have been used for military purposes. Wari architectural style was known for rigid, geometric rectangular plans,(Ross, p.15) and Pikallacta is a mathematical experience. Compounds are seen to have been home to administrative centres and elite residences, with a definite route of access between each. It is very calculated and this can only be referenced in terms of control. 

Disclaimer: I am unsure of how to properly insert reference points on blogger ... I have found information and used a couple of sentences from class texts and online sources.

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